Monday, August 15, 2011

Insomnia and other beautiful things pt. 2

Just when you thought you'd had enough of my rambling, here I am again. I've done more thinking.
I think I've realized the source of my confusion concerning whether or not ideas can and should be shared.
I think it boils down to egoism. We today have the ego of the Renaissance humanists, but lack their skill. Our culture is ruled by the notion that anyone, anywhere, at any time, can and should have access to our every thought process (e.g. facebook status updates). And it doesn't stop there. It is widely considered that these minute thoughts and actions contribute significantly to others' lives. And so, via countless technological expressways, millions upon millions of pointless thoughts and impressions are spewed into the social and intellectual atmosphere on a daily basis.
That being said, there are undeniably some things which require communication in order to gain significance. Such ideas as "I like you.", "Thank you.", and "We're running out of toilet paper." would be entirely useless if kept to one's self and not shared with another human being. (The latter may be an exception, depending upon how cruel you can be to your roommates). Some ideas are born to be shared. And still others may never develop if not expressed publicly in the first place. Sometimes you need another brain to bounce things off of. (Sorry, there's another strange mental image) The problem with a journal is, you can think out loud all you want, but no one thinks back.
So there you have it. I think I'm actually going to publicize this thing. All 5 posts.
And yes, I did eventually fall asleep last night.


  1. I think that passing on your epiphanies is not a bad thing and does not lessen their significance at all as long as you share an intellectual or emotional bond. Words are not numbers. They contain connotation within different contexts used to pass on ideas and feelings. Abstract thought is attainable via linear thought and the concepts formed via words. If you can pass on more than just words and spread your ideas in their true form you have not only benefited those around you, but also yourself, by accessing linear thought.

    I think that on Facebook there are a lot of commonplace or seeming superficial quotes, but blogs can tend to express the truer, deeper sentiments of the common man or woman. The sentiments of the masses are capable of reaching their potential when shared, as you can see was the case in Egypt and Libya earlier this year.

    Not only this, but I think you are spot on with the need to bounce ideas off of other people's brains. One of my favorite past times is staying up into all hours of the nights discussing things with great friends and maybe even acting on our idealistic views. The Fraternal Order of Boanerges was founded on that as well as a great many other organizations.

    If you are consistent with the tone of your medium (blogs, journals, etc) You may find yourself taken for more than an under skilled renaissance woman, but as a character who is accessing or has already accessed the greatness of self actualization.

    PS I totally saw you out in the parking lot last night as I sat on my porch figuring out my finances. There was some awesome lightning going on!

  2. Thanks for your encouragement, Joseph. I'm slowly getting used to the concept of publicizing my thoughts. I think it will be a long process, but it's been enjoyable thus far.

    I've missed coming home to find you on my couch and chatting until all hours of the night. I hope you're still seeing Railee, Dade, and Nataly around Provo. We're always happy to have you around.
