Sunday, November 13, 2011


Normally, I'm all about sleep. I know I've promoted the impression of shunning it. But I promise, I whole-heartedly embrace the daily devotion of 8-10 hours to unconscious bliss (or significantly less if you have work and class and life to deal with). Lately, sleep has been weird for me. And after several nights of staring at the ceiling for hours and feeling useless, I've decided to just own the moment and be as productive as possible.

For your entertainment (or perhaps not), the following is not a comprehensive list of what I do in the early hours, when I'm wide awake and all alone:

- Clean the house
- Light my favorite candles and think about how much I miss having a real fire place
- Read about how to make food pretty
- Meticulously pin hundreds of Christmas lights to the drapes
- Go music shopping, buy nothing
- Plan trips to Portland
- Bask in the smug contentment that is wearing my retainers during waking hours
- Stretch
- Write things
- Make sneaky birthday plans
- Remind myself of why I love Seals & Crofts
- Read some poetry
- Read some German poetry
- Mime the piano
- Read about meat
- Make check lists of things I've already done, to reap the satisfaction of marking them off
- Drink so much chamomile tea

We'll stop the list there. But it goes on for hours and days.
I think it's somewhat of a pity that the earliest morning hours are so often rendered to sleep. They are some of the quietest and most thought-provoking hours of the day, which is probably why I now have a dozen half-finished posts sitting around.
 For what it's worth, I believe I have discovered a direct relation between amount of hot tea imbibed and degree of general sleepiness. I seem to have met the ideal quantity early tonight, and I'm going for it.

Pleasant dreams and a good Sabbath to you.

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